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Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

FUT is a technique to transplant hair follicles in the bald patches or the scalp portions having thinned hair volume. The restoration technique involves grouping the patient’s hair follicles into four strands to create a follicular unit. The hair follicles get extracted from the back scalp with the help of stereo-microscopic dissection under a visual microscope.

Follicular Unit Transplantation is a technique that only medical experts can perform on patients. The follicular units also include fine hairs, nerves, sebaceous glands and an elector pili muscle. The small units allow a safe grafting technique to yield a positive outcome at a single go.

You can undergo the process in a medically equipped Hair Transplant Clinic, like us, to regain the lost hair on the bald patches. 

Key concepts to know

A successful FUT is only possible when the following aspects get properly maintained.

  • Practical follicular concerns: The follicular unit is a distinct anatomic entity that needs special management to assure an affirmed outcome. Each strip from the back of the scalp gets taken out carefully before harvesting them in the target portion. Certain factors damage the hair and break them into pieces that require preventive attention.


  • Achieving the look: The prime goal of the FUT treatment is to provide a natural look to the patient. For this, the graft distribution is essential to make it appear identical all over. It results in symmetric hair growth after the treatment is over. Thorough surgical planning: Determining the donor area to fill the scalp portions needs minute attention. The density of hair occurrence is relatively constant at 1 unit per mm, for which picking the right donor part is crucial. 


  • Concerns about scalp trauma: The procedure should not damage the scalp in any way as it worsens the effect. To preserve the scalp's natural elasticity, the experts are required to take certain preventive and surgical measures. Removal of extra tissues takes place carefully through a stereo-microscopic dissection.

Time saving and effective

FUT is a rapid process as a large number of grafting can be done in a single session. Regaining the hairline and volume is easier with the medical process. 

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