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Breast Implant Choices (shape, content)

Choosing the right breast implant involves decisions regarding shape, size, and content. It's important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who can provide personalized recommendations based on your body type, goals, and overall health.

Implant Shape:

  • Round Implants: These implants are symmetrical and provide a full appearance. They are a common choice and can achieve a natural look when positioned properly.

  • Teardrop (Anatomical) Implants: Mimic the natural slope of the breast, with more fullness at the bottom. They are designed to provide a more natural-looking result, especially in patients with minimal breast tissue.

Implant Content:

  • Silicone Gel Implants:

  • Advantages: Tend to feel more natural and have a lower risk of rippling.

  • Considerations: Regular monitoring is recommended, and ruptures may be harder to detect without regular imaging.

  • FDA-Approved: Approved for cosmetic use in most women over the age of 22.

Saline Implants:

  • Advantages: If ruptured, saline is harmlessly absorbed by the body. Adjustments can be made post-surgery.

  • Considerations: May have a less natural feel compared to silicone. Ruptures are easily detectable.

  • FDA-Approved: Approved for cosmetic use in most women over the age of 18.

Structured (Form-Stable or "Gummy Bear") Implants:

  • Advantages: Maintain shape well, providing a natural look and feel. Less risk of leakage.

  • Considerations: Requires a longer incision. Regular monitoring is still necessary.

  • FDA-Approved: Approved for cosmetic use in most women over the age of 22.

Implant Size:

  • Body Proportion: Consider your body's proportions and the overall look you want to achieve.

  • Surgeon's Recommendation: Rely on your surgeon's expertise to help determine an appropriate size based on your anatomy.

Implant Profile:

  • Low Profile: Wider base with less projection. Suitable for a more natural look.

  • Moderate Profile: Balance between natural and enhanced projection.

  • High Profile: Narrower base with more projection. Provides a fuller and rounder appearance.

Surgical Approach:

  • Incision Location: Discuss incision options with your surgeon, such as under the breast, around the areola, or in the armpit.

  • Placement: Implants can be placed either above or below the chest muscle, depending on factors like body type and desired outcome.

  • Personal Goals and Lifestyle:

  • Lifestyle Factors: Consider your activity level, future plans (such as pregnancy), and overall lifestyle when choosing implants.

  • Realistic Expectations: Have realistic expectations about the outcomes and understand that breast implants are not lifetime devices.

Surgeon's Expertise:

  • Board-Certified Surgeon: Choose a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in breast augmentation.

  • Communication: Maintain open communication with your surgeon throughout the decision-making process.

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