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Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Breast lift, or mastopexy, is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to raise and reshape sagging breasts. This surgery can also reduce the size of the areola (the darker skin surrounding the nipple) and improve the overall firmness of the breasts. Mastopexy is often chosen by individuals who are satisfied with the volume of their breasts but want to address issues such as sagging, loss of skin elasticity, or changes in breast shape due to factors like aging, pregnancy, or weight fluctuations.

  1. Candidates for Breast Lift:

    • Sagging Breasts: Individuals with breasts that have lost elasticity and are sagging or drooping.

    • Changes Due to Pregnancy or Weight Loss: Women who have experienced changes in breast shape and firmness after pregnancy or significant weight loss.

    • Aging: Aging can lead to a loss of skin elasticity and breast sagging.

  2. Types of Mastopexy:

    • Traditional Breast Lift: Involves incisions around the areola, downward to the breast crease, and sometimes horizontally along the breast crease.

    • Crescent Lift: Involves a small crescent-shaped incision above the areola, suitable for minor adjustments.

    • Vertical (Lollipop) Lift: Uses a lollipop-shaped incision around the areola and vertically down to the breast crease.

    • Anchor (Inverted T) Lift: Involves an incision around the areola, vertically down to the breast crease, and horizontally along the breast crease. This is suitable for more extensive corrections.

  3. Combination with Other Procedures:

    • Breast Augmentation: Mastopexy can be combined with breast augmentation using implants for those who want both lifted and enhanced breasts.

    • Breast Reduction: For individuals with overly large breasts, a breast reduction can be performed along with a lift.

  4. Consultation and Planning:

    • Discussing Expectations: A thorough consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon is essential to discuss goals, expectations, and the most suitable surgical approach.

    • Medical History: The surgeon will inquire about your medical history, including any previous surgeries, medical conditions, or medications.

  5. Surgical Procedure:

    • Anesthesia: Mastopexy is typically performed under general anesthesia.

    • Incisions: The type and extent of incisions depend on the chosen technique and the degree of correction needed.

    • Tissue Reshaping: Excess skin is removed, and breast tissue is reshaped to achieve a more lifted and youthful appearance.

    • Areola and Nipple Repositioning: The areola and nipple are often repositioned to a higher, more aesthetically pleasing location.

  6. Recovery:

    • Post-Surgery Discomfort: Some discomfort, swelling, and bruising are common after the surgery.

    • Recovery Time: Recovery time varies, but most individuals can return to normal activities within a few weeks.

  7. Risks and Considerations:

    • Scarring: Scarring is an inevitable part of mastopexy, but its extent varies based on the chosen technique.

    • Changes in Sensation: Temporary or permanent changes in nipple or breast sensation can occur.

    • Infection, Bleeding, and Other Risks: As with any surgery, there are potential risks, and complications can include infection, bleeding, or changes in breast symmetry.

  8. Long-Term Results:

    • Maintaining Results: The longevity of results depends on factors such as genetics, aging, and lifestyle. Maintaining a stable weight can contribute to lasting results.

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